Tag Archives: Prize

Wish lists

For as long as I’ve been comping there have always been posts asking what people would most like to win. I’ve never listed the things out loud but I have a list of things I really would love to win, luckily for me over the past year and a bit I’ve managed to win a few of them.

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I finally managed both a BBQ and Xbox 360 last summer after a very long time of trying. Then at Christmas I won a PS3 to replace our old one which had become quite noisy with the fan coming on and staying on all the time. This year I won a designer bag which I adore and just this last week I won some straighteners which I have been trying to win for years now, Kym actually took pity on me a while ago and sent me a pair as she really seemed to have the magic touch where they were concerned, I just kept entering and knowing I’d not win but this time I finally did!


The strange bit about me and wish lists comes when Dave is involved. I’ve always asked him if there was something he’d like me to win. The first time he said a TV, a couple of months later I won some vouchers which were just enough to get him a really nice 40″ one. Then he said an iPod, and when I asked what colour he said “red” OMG I thought, no chance of that, well, I won a nano from a competition and when it came through, yep, it was a red one! Next he asked for cash, I won £25, then vouchers, £750 of Sainsburys came in! Can you see the pattern here? Each time he asks me to win something it happens given a little time, yes I know it’s probably because of the number of competitions I enter and that he isn’t very precise (apart from with the iPod) on what he asks for but it’s still a little weird don’t you think?


So right now I have a couple of things still on my all time wish list but I think I’ll keep them to me, those of you who know me will know what they are but so far I’ve had some good luck by not writing them down, I think I’ll keep it that way just incase!

Merry Christmas! I think I tweet too much!

Well it’s that happy time of year yet again, I know it’s very stressful for some people but it was always a happy time when I was growing up and even though I’ve had some really horrible ones I still love the silly season and now sharing them with Dave and his family, each one is precious to me again and filled with times that will make for some very happy memories.

I love that they all understand about my comping and how it means they each get better gifts than we could afford to get otherwise and none of them mind we haven’t purchased many, they’re normally really pleased with what they get, this year I’m really hoping that I’ve pulled off another round of good gifts, I’ve checked everything through and I still need 2 more but luckily if nothing springs to mind (or arrives) both will be happy with vouchers to use as they please! 😀

So, I was going to do a competition for when I hit 50k tweets, then twitter went nuts and I lost 48,000 of them so I thought I’d do a Christmas competition instead! I finally got a few things sorted out for a prize and my tweets returned so I decided to make this a joint competition. It’s the Kimswins Christmas 2010 competition in celebration of my 50,000 tweets!lol Since it’s such a big event for me, I decided to make it a big prize, well, bigger than I’ve done before anyway, from what I can figure out these products RRP combine to around £80 so I hope the lucky winner enjoys them or has someone who will enjoy them anyway! Also, not all of them are my wins, the necklace I traded with a friend for as I thought it would be a lovely gift for my tweets comp when I first saw it and the rescue remedy kit I added as I found the one I received so useful! so on with the prizes (listed under the picture!)

1. Sally Hansen Insta-Grip

2. Nails Inc Polishes in Cocoa Bliss, Vanilla Bliss and South Molton Street

3. Bach Emotional Eating kit

4. Dove Fabulous Heels Gel Cushions

5. Bach Nights kit (2 sachets of rescue cream, rescue night and a sleep mask)

6. Collection 2000 eye palettes in Angelic and Pop-tastic!

7. Winging my way back to you Necklace from Eclectic Eccentricity

To enter, just leave me a comment below, one entry each please but this is open to anyone in the UK. At 5pm on Thursday 9th December 2010 I will use a random number generator to pick a winner and will contact that person directly. If I do not hear back from them within 24 hours I will select another winner via the same method and they again will have 24 hours to claim the prize, this will continue until either the prize is claimed or I run out of entrants! The winner will be announced on this site after I have contacted them and received an address to send the prizes out to. The prizes will be sent via royal mail within a week of receipt of the winners address.

Quickie Giveaway (winner announced)

I’m having an amazing week this week, I’ve won something each day which I haven’t done for a long time so I’ve decided to give something back in thanks.

I’m going to give away one of the prizes I have won this week. To win all you have to do is to make a comment on my journal (not this blog) by Sunday evening. The comment has to relate to the post its on and has to be more than just “hello”

I’ve got 10 posts on there right now and am adding more all the time, well, as often as I can anyway so hopefully anyone who wants to enter can find something to say.

I’ll draw the winner by using a random generator, you can enter more than once by commenting on more posts but only one comment per post per person will be counted

I think thats everything, I’ll let the winner know on monday and they’ll get their surprise prize next week 😀

Thank you to everyone who took part, the winner has now been announced here 🙂

Letter to Santa Giveaway

I received this card a few years ago but having no children ourselves I’d always intended on giving this away but obviously not got round to it yet, yes, my memory is goldfish-like!lol

If anyone would like it, I know Christmas is a way off and some of you really dont want to think about it yet but someone might! Just leave me a comment on this post, if only 1 person wants it, it’s yours, if more than 1 do, I’ll do a random draw as I have with the other Giveaways I have done. Anyway, here’s what the card looks like:

I’ll check back at the end of the month (31/08/10) and see if anyone wants it as that gives everyone a chance to see this post with all the holidays people are having at the moment 🙂

30k tweet competition

WOW, I talk way too much dont I?lolI cant believe I’ve made all these tweets in such a short space of time, it’s been great fun though, thank you to everyone who has chatted to me.  I remember when I started on Twitter, it all seemed so strange and difficult to understand, I wasn’t sure if I was doing it right but thanks to those lovely people from the Inn on MSE I found my way. From those first few days of entering the Rogers coffee draws (remember them?) to now when I seem to be there most of the day. I know I block a lot of people on there but those who I talk to are friends as well as fellow compers and we talk to each other, not just C&P or RT each others tweets so anyone that just does that gets blocked as I dont see the point in letting you follow me, it doesn’t take much to say “Hi” or to have a quick chat. Oh and I really hate having people use the RT function on my tweets, I dont understand why you want to RT my tweets, other than the few comps on here, I dont run them so thats another way to get blocked by me!lol OK, ramble over, time for the comp (which is what you’re here for anyway, right?lol)

Well, I said I’d use my 30,oooth tweet to announce a new competition on here and so here it is 🙂

To Enter:

Just make a comment below by 5pm Wednesday the 9th June 2010. One comment per person please and tell me what your first wins were.

I find it really interesting to hear what people won first, especially when it was a while ago and they still remember. Give as much (or as little) detail as you want, for example here’s mine:

The very first thing I won was 4 cinema tickets, this was nearly 22 years ago now but I still remember it, it was at a school fete and I won them from the raffle, I was so excited and with friends went to see Crocodile Dunee II, yes I wished I’d gone to see a better film, but I was only 14 at the time!lol

Since I joined MSE though, my first win was a Pet Poets book and Calendar. I won them from Pick Me Up when they had the daily competitions on their website. I received the WEM on 14/11/07 and the Calendar is a 2008 one but I still have both that and the book, they’re what started me getting hooked on the wonderful new hobby of ours!

The winner will be drawn at random using a random number generator. The winner will be announced on here and the prize sent within 7 days of receipt of a delivery address. Should the winner fail to contact me within 7 days of being notified I shall again use a RNG to select a new winner with the original prize winner forfeiting their claim on the prize.

I’m guessing you’d all like a prize too so I decided on this:

The bag I received last week got me thinking, I really loved the Burt’s Bees set I won last year so I got Dave to pick me up another one (there’s some bits in this one I didn’t get in the one I had so he might have to get another for me as well now!lol) so the prizes are the ‘Save the Bees’ Bee Bag and a Burt’s Bees Head to Toe starter Kit