Tag Archives: Redeemed Points

Deliveries 11th February 2015

11-02-2015I traded in some more of my Yeokens for this lovely cookery book. I’ve had a brief flick through and it has some fun recipes in it 😀

Deliveries 17th May 2014

17-05-2014The Piledriver T-shirt I won from the competition running on the Wychwood Brewery website

The tin of sweets I redeemed some of my Yeokens for on their website

The paper top right (steak pictures) has come from The Orchard at Tesco and has some vouchers for me to try their range of steaks and pass on to friends

The paper top left (under the sweets) came as a really nice surprise this afternoon, it’s a cheque from Inside Soap magazine for £150! 😀

Deliveries 18th March 2014

18-03-2014I received this rather lovely looking cookbook through trading in some of my Yeokens on the Yeo Valley website 😀

Deliveries 16th November 2013

16-11-2013What a lovely surprise this was in the post, for anyone who can’t read the tiny writing, I received a £200 cheque from Thats Life! from one of the competitions in issue 43 Whoop!

The box under the letter contains another sharing bowl from the McCain’s wedges promotion

Deliveries 5th November 2013


I know! I’m sorry about the picture but it was such a shock to actually receive something to post on here that I was in a rush!lol

Anyway, this is another of the sharing bowls from the McCain Wedges promotion 😀